Thursday, March 25, 2010

Poor Old Mall

Okay, I'm cheating. I didn't take this today, and it was taken during the afternoon rather than the morning, but I like it and it ties in with the other blog I'm working on today: Responsibility!

The rubble in the background is what remains of the Blue Mountain Mall, in Walla Walla, WA. I can actually remember a visit to my aunt's house before I moved to the Northwest when this was still a beautiful field full of horses grazing on luscious green grass. So, I don't have any facts available, but I'd say it was an early death as far as mall lives go!

The graffiti-ed foreground is the unfinished remains of an ill conceived strip-mall project that died in the credit crisis. I've heard Detroit is considering turning it's acres of abandoned buildings back into farmland, perhaps we should let this real estate go back to the horses!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Warming Barrett Station

I got a tip there might be lovely irrigation ice formations out here, but it was too warm. I love the way the rising sun warms up the silos though!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Joy of Spring Break

Welcome to Spring

Monday, March 22, 2010
Okay, so Spring was officially here on the 20th, but this is the first really Springy photo! ^_^

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Ugly Morning

I have obviously been ignoring my blogging duties, but I was inspired by two glorious mornings where the orchards had been doused with water to keep the buds from going below 32 degrees and they had been covered in brilliant glistening icicles, to search desperately for my camera! No luck...but yesterday afternoon I finally found it. So, this morning, instead of a neighboring ice castle...I found this:

Very anti-climactic! Maybe tomorrow will be better...


Turned into a nice day after all!