Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Day 61: Fast Fog

Feeling sick, I woke up with the sun already streaming in through the chinks in the blinds filling the curtains with patterns of light. My photo! I raced down the stairs and pulled aside the drapes. An enormous puffy cloud glowed white and gray right outside. Was that fog at the edge of our property? Where was my camera? I finally found the boys' and as I raced to add batteries the light in the house dimmed. It was like someone turned out the lights. I peeked out again and it was dark gray fog. I could still see yellow sunshine coming in the sunporch door. I raced out there as I turned on the camera.
"Set time and date."
The sun was a glowing yellow disk in the disappearing sky.
I snapped the above picture as the monster fog cloud gobbled us up. It was amazingly fast, and beautifully dramatic. I wish I could have captured it better!


  1. You've got some dedication to this project to rush out the door even when you're feeling sick! I'm very impressed =)

  2. Thanks - I just wish I had my camera ready so I could have caught the cloud on it's way in!
